Pirates, treasure and week 2 of couch to 5 k

Molly and Me

Twas a busy weekend indeed…

Was manning the visitor’s centre during the “Oak Island Mystery Tours” as well as going out with the mobile amplifier for the tour on Sunday. The two hour walk around the island, on Sunday, was simply awesome. It’s always great fun to do with a big crowd and listen to our tour guide, Charles sharing the island’s history as well as the theories that surround the world’s longest treasure hunt..

Alas, the Mahone Bay Pirate Festival was on too but I still managed to enjoy meeting up with my friends Molly Pinchbottom and Iron Dick Flint and taking part in one of the Pirate Parade’s through town, on Saturday morning before heading off to Oak Island.

During Saturday afternoon, while the 2pm tour was out, I got speaking to a fellow director, Cate. I found out that we had a few things in common. Cate is a vegetarian, I am a vegan… we both didn’t eat meat and it was interesting to hear her story and talk about alternative yummy foods. In addition I found out that Cate is a runner. She jogs regularly. I pumped her for more information…When did she start? How did she build up her stamina? How far can she run? Outside or treadmill? Footwear?

“I’m taking part in my first race soon”… she shared with me

“Oh- that’s weird. So am I! I’m on the “couch to 5 k” program and want to be able to run 5k (without stopping) in under 45 minutes by the end of the program… where are you going to race?”

“Wolfville- the Harvest Valley Marathon, I’m going to race the 5k” she replied

And of course we then talked and talked as this was the event I’d really wanted to take part in too, if life wasn’t going to deal me the wrong deck of cards.

Regardless of what life brings, I’ve set my goal to do a 5k run. Pushing yourself to do something you feel isn’t possible helps you grow in confidence and makes you stronger. That’s my theory anyway!

Tomorrow is weigh in!

C xxx

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