The 1940s Experiment Pinterest Page

In many ways, I’m quite excited about being jobless for the next month or two. It means I can catch up with the things I love doing online such as my Pinterest page! To be quite honest it had been so long I’d almost forgotten about it…

If you are interested in WW2 recipes and vintage leaflets etc I’ve got a pretty decent collection going on!

C xxxxx

Almost debt free and here is our next home!

I paid off my second to last debt yesterday and realised that after 2 years of mostly very frugal living, no holidays, mostly not going out or eating out (unless it was free!), and buying things secondhand, I’ve managed to pay-off around £9000 in debt! I have one more debt to pay and then I will be TOTALLY DEBT FREE!!!

It’s not as if I acquired debt through mismanagement of funds or greed, it was simply life struggles. I spent many years commuting back and forth to work spending over £300 a month in petrol and I helped support my family at times and one income into a household while paying all these things, no matter how much you cut things back, just doesn’t seem to stretch very far!

Moving near work helped enormously. At that stage (2.5 years ago) I was able to start saving and pay down the old debt bit by bit. It seems to have been forever but FINALLY I can see the winning post and it is giving me a huge sense of accomplishment.

I’m not ‘out of the woods’ quite yet though. Right now I have no income and I need to secure a job once we move house in 2 weeks time (how the hell am I going to pack up everything in 2 weeks!!). Renting is so much more expensive in Wiltshire than it is in South Yorkshire too!

Nevertheless today we got the good news that our referencing and credit checks had been completed and we are officially moving into our next rental. It’s an old townhouse but it has a garden which backs on to a park so it gave me a sense of more tranquility than you’d expect. My dream is to live back in the countryside one day…


Moving soon and looking for work!

It looks like we’ll be relocating to a different part of the country on January 23rd!

Soooo I am currently looking for a part-time or full-time position as a digital media coordinator or a communications officer in Swindon and am available to start mid-February. My passions in addition to digital/media/communications are people! Please can you take a moment to view my online CV & portfolio, it would be much appreciated. PS: Today I will be applying for my first job now my online portfolio is completed! Click here >>>

I am also open to freelance work too (from mid-February)… please view some examples in my portfolio.

Thank you so much!
#swindon #jobs #digitalmedia #creative #marketing #people #adobe