A day in photos…

Thank you for all your comments and support yesterday. I’m feeling much more positive today and will continue to record my positive things by taking snap shots of my day, I find this helpful. I like to post these things on Instagram @fightingmyobesity

The positive things I worked on yesterday was my food (and successfully ate well and didn’t binge) and my financial planning.

If you are landing on my blog for the first time then I’m trying to overcome my obesity (at my heaviest I was 350 lbs and I’m now 299 lbs but managed to get down to about 225 lbs several years ago) and to pay off old debt and build a financial emergency fund. I live frugally (always have done) and my interest is life on the home front during WW2 rationing and I love re-creating recipes in my spare time. Finally at 52, as a single person, I’m trying to put everything right….

C xxx

Video Diary – nearly 300 lb and struggling.

I think I’ve sapped the strength out of so many people on social media today that I’ll just let this video speak for itself.

Thank you to all who have been there for me today, I appreciated every single comment, they were all very supportive and helpful.

Thank you xxxxxx C