What about rationing in 2024? FAQ’s answered!

What about rationing in 2024? Will I still continue to live on WW2 rations forever more? I discuss a little more about rationing in 2023 and my plans for 2024 in my latest YouTube video above. ⬆️

In-case you hate YouTube, have a horribly slow internet connection or simply can’t bear to see my cringey content 🤣 I’ll answer some questions below…

Did you ever finish the year living on WW2 rations?

Kind-of! I started living on WW2 rations (by the book!) on January 8th, 2023. After 2 or 3 difficult weeks to start with, everything went incredibly well. Apart from the very occasional off-ration meal (and I mean very occasionally, once every month or two, for special occasions) I stuck to authentic as I could get it, WW2 rationing. From January to November (about 10 months), I lost around 71 lbs (reduced from 299 lbs down to 228 lbs). I didn’t stay there for long though.

During December, the temptation of Christmas food really derailed me (my choice, I somehow convinced myself that I could control my addiction to sweet foods or fatty/salty snacks). I spectacularly put on 15 lbs when I weighed in after the New Year!

I tried to return to rationing in January for a week or two to end the year on a high note. Unfortunately, my addiction to processed foods/snacks had grabbed me by the throat and I have been struggling so badly with getting back control.

Will you return to rationing?

Again I’m going to say kind-of! With the best will in the world, living strictly on WW2 rations for over 10 months is quite difficult. While I felt wonderfully nourished, healthy and satisfied I have missed so many foods and modern recipes too. My biggest misses during 2023 were avocados and bananas, ohh and fried tofu!!! Needless to say I’ve been enjoying these foods most days now for the past three weeks and still can’t get enough of them!

Yes or no? Will you return to rationing? Can we expect more content?

I AM going to use basic rationing during 2024 for base ingredients such as fats, sugars and cheese (vegan cheese) and of course vegan meats too (the less ultra-processed foods the better!)

I AM going to continue to create SOME authentic WW2 recipes and continue to add to the 200+ recipes I’ve recreated here. I LOVE trying out ration book recipes from old books!

I AM going to produce more content around rationing (it is a big interest of mine) and hopefully develop more content for KS2 kids in education (they often pop on to copy recipes and I get messages through that say yuk! and poo!) 🤣

I’m NOT going to limit fruits and vegetables etc. to only what was available during the war! I LOVE fresh fruit and veg so much. I NEED variety in my life!

I’m NOT going to only create wartime recipes and live 100% on rationing as I did in 2023. I love modern recipes and foods too so I need to balance things to bring me joy!

So in 2024 it will be part-time rationing in spirit! Basic rations, no restrictions on fruit and veg, some authentic recipes, some modern recipes and hopefully this year will see the return of my victory garden! ❤️

Will you continue to lose weight and get back on track?

Absolutely! I am committed to recording my weigh-in every Sunday morning whether it is a loss or a gain! This is a long journey to cope with my overeating and bingeing and to become healthy and live a long life!

I started this year at around 241 lbs. I weighed in last Sunday at around 244 lbs, despite some weight gain I am starting this year around 55 lbs lighter than at the beginning of 2023. This gives me a good head-start in achieving my goal of getting below 200 lbs and remaining there for the rest of my life!

Why don’t you post as much as you used to? What about all your plans for a recipe book?

I work full-time, I also have to freelance now and again in my spare time to keep a roof over my head! Rent is so expensive here but I am committed to living here, close to my parents so if they need help in their latter years, I’ll be around (another good reason to get myself in shape!)

Added to that I am a carer for my youngest adult in the house. I am respecting their privacy so won’t go into detail but the last few years, things have been TOUGH, mostly for them but very challenging for me too. There are lots of appointments, lots of support, it takes up a LOT of my time but I wouldn’t have it any other way. They’ll get better and be happier eventually. That’s all that matters to me.

I ALWAYS see the light….

Lots of love, C xxxxx

PS: Want to support the blog and YouTube channel with a virtual coffee? Please visit my Ko-fi page here >>> https://ko-fi.com/1940sexperiment

11 thoughts on “What about rationing in 2024? FAQ’s answered!

  1. You’ve done such an amazing job Carolyn, we’re all rooting for you! I think you are wise to add the fresh fruits and veggies back in your diet and to look at more modern recipes, there’s so much from which to choose and I think you’ll do really well and reach your goals.
    Just watch out for that sugary carb monster!

  2. I completely understand why you need some variety! Regardless of the backslide in December (and oh, do I understand the temptation!) you still made FANTASTIC progress, and shouldn’t chide yourself for the small slide back.

    I also completely understand the caregiver demands — I’m in the same position myself with my not-so-little one. It’s a huge strain, no matter how much you love them.

    Would it be a twist and more fun to try to use rationing equivalents for modern foods, or just a pain? Like, what might rationing look like today, given the same amounts but greater variety of foods and sources?

    That’s probably a huge PITA suggestion, but was trying to think of something that might make things different and might also be a new way of looking at rationing.

    Either way, wishing you all the best! No matter what, folks are still happy to hear from you whenever you choose, and this is still a fabulous resource, not only to historians but to educators. Much appreciated! Best luck with your freelancing and your health journey!

  3. Thanks for the update! I’m curious about what might happen if for some reason we introduced rationing today, in 2024. What di you think? It’s a different world now of course, but whilst I imagine some things like tropical fruit might be restricted, we might still get pasta and rice – our modern starch staples? I bet there would be no fizzy drinks though! What do you think it might look like, with your expert eyes?

  4. You’ve done an amazing job, Carolyn. You owe nothing to anyone but yourself and your journey is yours. We love that you check in every now and then as you’re so interesting!

  5. Sending you massive hugs xxxx Yes it is a strain, I feel for you. We can but do our best for our loved ones but it doesn’t make it easy. Thank you for taking time to leave a comment. C xxx

  6. I honestly think it could well be a huge shock for many but then I think it was during WW2 too, but with everyone in the same boat, the majority of people pulled together and just got on with it! I think if we had to go back to rationing because of a full-blown World War then we’d once again lose a lot of our imported goods, I think in many ways it would follow a similar trajectory to WW2 if it was over several years, I don’t think it would be the same though. I think society and the way we consume has changed quite a bit since the 40s, it would be interesting though to see what plans the government has (and they will always have an emergency plan). C xxxx

  7. If you’re expanding your culinary horizons for 2024, just make sure you avoid the local Lardy Cake. No no no… 😉

  8. Hi Carolyn, so glad you are feeling better, I have Osteoarthritis, had both hips replaced right knee done twice and had my left knee done September 2023, it is a very debilitating and so so painful condition, if you are offered an Arthroscopy (cleaning out the bits of cartilage that are floating about in your knee) take it, I have had several and it does help, it is key hole surgery and sometimes you are only in hospital for the day of the surgery, recovery time about 6 to 8 weeks, but the releaf it gives well worth it….I have noticed that you have no fish recipes in any of your wartime recipes, is this because you don’t eat fish or don’t like it, I have come across a few that are very nice, they are either canned fish, fresh fish or dried fish…..Take care of yourself.

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