Wartime Recipe Books from Newquay Zoo …

Thank you to Mark Norris and Newquay Zoo who kindly donated a wonderful collection of original WW2 newspaper clippings and cookery pamphlets and books.

Quote: “The World War Zoo Gardens research project, schools workshops and allotment at Newquay Zoo ran from 2009 to 2019 (from the 70th to the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of WW2).”

I’m thrilled to have received this collection and am looking forward to photographing, scanning and sharing the complete collection digitally for all.

C xxx

PS: Check out Marks “Wartime Diaries” research. This is an AMAZING slice of social history!

5 thoughts on “Wartime Recipe Books from Newquay Zoo …

  1. Wow! That’s quite an honor that they trusted you, and thought you were the best choice to give their collection to. And everything is in such great shape. I’m happy for you and I’m trying ever so hard to not be jealous. ha

  2. Thank you so much for your post and links to these two great blogs! I shall enjoy reading them. I have no idea when I do searches in the WordPress blog search (or whatever you call it) that it never yields me any vintage blogs. Always random stuff that is not about vintage (by this I mean on the eras 1920s-1940s/early 1950s). Only a couple of blogs on old films came up, which I love of course, but I was looking for stuff like this.

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