Weigh-In – Down to 262lbs – Instagram

I update on a day by day basis on my Instagram page, not necessarily 1940s related but always about the every day stuff one has to do to try and keep losing weight.

I hope to update with more recipes and a full blog post soon. Thank you for all the lovely comments and messages which I read frequently!!! It’s sunny and I’m going for a walk with friends..

C xxx



7 thoughts on “Weigh-In – Down to 262lbs – Instagram

  1. I see more than a slight difference. The victorious stance makes a world of difference. I also see a reduction in the liver area. Are you taking Milk Thistle for your liver? If not, this could be helpful.
    ~ Diana ~
    I’m down 15 and 44 to go.

  2. Quit being so hard on yourself…….there really is a definite difference in the photos. I’m so proud of you and inspired to start my own weight loss plan TODAY! Keep on, my friend!

  3. You are doing great…we can really see the difference on the photos…keep it up girl…I’m sure you will reach your goal…

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