How much do I want to succeed?

This morning I am 69 lbs away from dropping below 200 lbs. Down 28 lbs since January and down 77 lbs from my heaviest.

blouse-looseToday I discovered that there were now clothes in my wardrobe that were getting too loose. I refuse to ever fit back into them so I hastily put them up for sale on eBay. This process, to me, is all part of my own personal metamorphosis. Those clothes represent the big me, I want to change them as I shrink, banish them. I’ve kept by a couple of items. One white striped blouse that absolutely now swamps me. When I bought it a year ago, I didn’t wear it as it was a little too tight around the bust and it was gaping…. it felt so strange to think that just 28 lbs had made such a difference. TODAY was the first time I began to notice that there wasn’t as much of me as there used to be. Oh how thrilling that was!


More than anything. But it has to be that way to succeed at something. I’m giving this my all. My brother recently bought me a Fitbit. I currently live by my Fitbit. It motivates me to keep moving, to drink more water, climb more stairs, give my heart a cardio workout, eat enough even. A FREE weekend pass to Pure Gym in Nottingham dropped into my e-mail box the other day. I immediately took advantage of using this knowing that the weather would hinder taking exercise outside. Every morning I was in the gym for 7:30 am…I WANT TO SUCCEED SO BADLY!


I can’t bear the thought of returning to the crippling back pain I would experience (as I was approaching 300 lbs in weight) when trying to walk any distance. I can’t believe now how many years I lived with that on and off and never thought I was important enough to make THAT the most important thing to succeed at in my life.

But I’m doing that now.treadmill

The best present I can give myself this year will be the gift of health. I will jump on the scales on Christmas Day and it WILL be under 200 lbs.

13 thoughts on “How much do I want to succeed?

  1. I too am finding I can fit into clothing which was a bit snug or too snug previously. I also have a treadmill, and Nordic poles. I find my change is happening slowly and it starts inside my head. My next step is to journal my food choices and amounts so that I can see where/when I am making unwise choices. I so enjoy your posts on your progress, and I am here alongside you cheering madly.

  2. Keep moving throughout the day as much as possible, besides the strong exercises.
    Only eat twice or three times a day at proper meal times- no other solid food at all. I suggest, for best results, visit a good health store for some basic supplements. They should advise you the best for you personally.
    Sticking to a plant-based wholefood diet is best. We have much more knowledge than in the 1940 s. Make clear decisions to eliminate anything based on white refined flour, white bread, sugar etc.
    At 81, I’ve kept to such a diet since age 17, and have no aches and pains or disabilities. The supplements have kept me free from colds for 15 years- it saves on tissues !

  3. Well done you! I need to get back to it – and at the moment I am trying to get to (drum roll please) 500 steps a day on my FitBit!

  4. Wow, you are really going for it! WELL DONE i look forward to reading all your posts keep up the brilliant work, you will succeed and look back on your journey with pride the end result will be amazing. Sending my very best wishes to you xx

  5. You are amazing !!! Every time I see your posts I feel inspired to keep going with my own weight loss journey. You are right about the mindset too – makes all the difference. Keep posting ! Xxx so glad you are feeling better too X

  6. Congratulations – I’m on the same journey. Picture yourself in a new slimmer outfit, this will stimulate the motivation to succeed and move forward.

  7. Congratulations, Carolyn! I’ve been struggling with my weight, too. I’m on medication that causes an increased appetite and, hence, weight gain. I feel inspired by your story and I want be able to tell my success story someday, too. I just ate a whole bunch of Easter chocolate and, of course, I hate myself for doing it. Tomorrow is a new day and I going to do my best to get off on a new start. One pound at a time toward my goal. Thanks, Carolyn and congratulations, again, Keep on keeping on!! Gloria

  8. Inspiring as always Carolyn, I’m following your advice now and also fasting down to 500 calories twice a week and seeing and feeling great results! Thank you you wonderful woman-you go girl!! x

  9. Fantastic Carolyn. I am currently dieting and have managed to shift 11lbs in the last 5 weeks. I have a goal, which is to try and drop a couple of dress sizes before my sons wedding in July. A healthy weight would be nice as I am currently obese bordering on very obese. All the best to you, I know you can achieve your goals. xxx

  10. Thank you ALL for the wonderful supportive messages and suggestions posted on here. I got in from work at 6, made a big stew and retired to bed at 7 and have been reading through every single comment on here and Facebook all wrapped up in my duvet…..just such lovely messages xxxxxxx I love it that many of us all have or are working towards becoming healthier. Tomorrow morning I’ll be out the door at 5:30 am for a 30 minute walk before shower, breakfast, commute then work. Never thought I ever be that motivated….and that’s partly why I’m in bed early,!! Had one of those days where I felt really quite nauseous with hunger so tomorrow will bring extra fruit and a handful of nuts to work and drink more water too (headache today)….thanks again to everyone and hope a lovely evening awaits you… C xxxx

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