The Charleston Stroll

So I was looking on the internet for some sort of dance/fun workout to try and get moving in addition to trying to walk a little more. I tried a bit of beginners Zumba, beginners Hip Hop, in fact quite a few beginners workouts but nothing took my fancy after attempting each one for several minutes and looking rather ridiculous.

And then I saw this little video. A very simple ‘Charleston Stroll’ and thought ‘EVEN I COULD DO THAT’ (with some perseverance and practice!)

And then I saw these guys and gals funking it up a bit and loved it!!

Even this 310 lb (hopefully less when I weigh in on Tuesday) frame can at least attempt the simple one!

Oh yes, Charleston Stroll 1940s workout!!

C xx

7 thoughts on “The Charleston Stroll

  1. you are on my friend—-I need the black foot prints and numbers on my floor to guide me but looks like fun.

  2. If you find you enjoy this then try Line Dancing, and then try Ballroom/Latin. Great fun and keeps you fit. and you learn some skills for those tea dances.
    I am sure Richard would enjoy it too.

  3. In point of fact these line dances which are popping up at 40s events all over the place, are more 1980 than 1940. Having said that, if you find you enjoy it, and it gets you moving, go for it! By the way, I’m on week 2 of my Rationbook Diet, hoping to get rid of a beer belly that’s hung around waaaay after I quit drinking!

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