A surprise of words and gifts

There are occasions when I am touched so deeply by the kind actions of others that I feel unable to quite know what to say..

Today, I forced myself to go and collect the mail. It is with apprehension I opened my community mailbox, at this moment in time brown envelopes are NOT what I want to see. However, it all wasn’t doom and gloom. One was a handwritten address on the front of a padded envelope..Something to get excited about as I knew it wouldn’t be a bill…

Like Charlie Bucket opening his Wonka Bar, I carefully peeled open the padded envelope to find a green (my favourite colour) paper wrapped package. I tried to open the package carefully (after all I’d be wanting to reuse the wrapping paper this christmas) but after picking away at the ‘Sellotape’ for 3 or 4 minutes I could bare it no longer and ripped it open. Inside was a book and a card. I opened the card and started reading…

“I have loved following your journey this year. You write with humour, insight, honesty, intelligence and great feeling….”

“I’ve cheered your successes and sympathized with your struggles. You have entertained, enlightened, educated and encouraged me through your blog…”

Let me tell you, when one reads words like that, it moves you to tears. That someone has honestly felt these things and has taken the time to share those thoughts. It’s humbling to witness the capacity within the human spirit of selflessness and love towards a stranger in a way… I think we have many, many special people that surround us on our lovely planet.

As if the words, were not heart-warming enough there was not only some grocery gift-cards (which are being put away for our 1940s Christmas) BUT a fabulous cook book by Devonna Edwards called “WARTIME RECIPES from the Maritimes- 1939 – 1945”. I’ve already picked it up several times in the past 30 minutes as I type this! I will cook up many of these recipes on my blog..

Thank you my friend for sending this lovely thoughtful care package. xxxxxx

And a few weeks ago, a dear pen-friend from the US sent some wartime postcards and a “Dig for Victory” pin. I wasn’t expecting that, it was so very thoughtful..

I have a special box for my wartime things, I tend to squirrel them away then occasionally spend an evening, when it’s quiet, looking through everything and letting my thoughts travel back in time while listening to wartime music, speeches, air raid sirens, and public information announcements.

One should never forget the hardship and sadness experienced by Sons and Daughters, Mums and Dads, Grandmothers and Grandfathers, all over the world, during the Second World War. We should also celebrate the bravery, ingenuity, and great spirit of all those who endured the austerity and heartbreak with a determined smile.

We should remember, so our governments, never ever put it’s people through a war, like this, again..

C xxxxx

6 thoughts on “A surprise of words and gifts

  1. This is really lovely 🙂 Thoughtful people and small gestures of kindness can make all the difference. I know just what you mean about not wanting to get the mail, as though leaving it in the box (which I sometimes do on Fridays so as not to spoil the weekend) will make bills disappear. I hope your path is smoother soon. I have enjoyed reading the blog and cheering you through. Hang in there!

  2. Hahaa!! I often do that Friday thing too! It’s easier to cope with thing son a Monday rather than a Friday too xxxx

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