By endurance we conquer..

The reality of pushing yourself hard. A gross sweaty mess. But that’s a good thing…

I forgot my headphones today so I couldn’t do the 2nd session of C25K (week 3) during lunch at the gym.

Instead I thought I’d do some 1 minute fast walking at 4 mph followed by 1 minute jogging at 5mph and I kept repeating that for 15 minutes or so. Then I found the incline button on the treadmill, brought my speed down to 3 mph and decided to focus on endurance… I’ve got a few little pains in my joints so thought walking again would be sensible.

Progressing quickly from an incline of 5 through to 10 I realized there was a lot to be said for “endurance”….

The famous explorer, Sir Ernest Shackleton once said “By endurance we conquer”…

Speed doesn’t always win this race we call life..

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