Basic human rights…

Damn I’m angry and sad and worried and tearful and scared and just damn frustrated and lonely all mixed into one today…

It’s been hard staying focused at work with so much looming on my horizon and feeling quite overwhelmed. I can’t talk about it yet but the more I think about it the more I feel that there are basic human rights (emotionally as well as physically and environmental) that all should be entitled too- especially where families are concerned.

Feeling out of control of ones destiny is worrying and tiring. That’s why I am taking control of my health. Something that I cannot have taken away from me..

Today, during my lunch break I walked, jogged and got to grips with the elliptical… That’s MUCH harder than it looks!!

I have little muscle tone, I’m a jelly fish…

Time to head home and embrace my kids. I can face anything life throws at me if I have my kids…

C xxxxxxxx

5 thoughts on “Basic human rights…

  1. I’m so sorry you’re going through a rough time. Good for you for determining to take care of your health in spite of it. (Oh, and nice job on the elliptical – I despise those things, LOL!)

  2. You are doing the right thing: “Keep Calm and Carry On” as they would have said back then. You have many readers who are wishing you well. Every encouragement to you – and Thankyou so much for this blog which I just recently discovered! Every good wish from NZ.

  3. THANK YOU!!! 🙂 xxxxx I’m sticking with this and it’s one thing I can be proud of when I get to my goal!! Thanks for the support- I REALLY appreciate it- C xxxxx

  4. Been there, done that. My advice is to hold your head up and stay focused. Whenever I had to deal with a situation where others were involved I would walk in like I owned the place…no matter how scared I was. Take control of what you can (your health) and deal the best you can with whatever else comes your way. Your doing a fantastic job and encouraging so many others. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.

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