I last wore jeans 20 years ago…

Something simply AWESOME happened today…

I was looking for clean trousers in a rush, about to go and drive my son back to the city, when I came across a pair of jeans I bought a long time ago to “one day fit into”… The last time I had tried them on was back in January and I took photos. As hard as I tried I could not get them done up but decided this summer I’d try them on again to see if they would fit…

Last time I wore jeans was 20 years ago- Jess and I

Looking back in my trunk full of photos I could see the last time I wore jeans was when my eldest daughter Jess was just a little girl. Jess is now 23…

Seeing the jeans, earlier to day, I grabbed them, wanting to see out of curiosity how tight they would be now.

I pulled them up over my thighs and hips and pulled the waistband together and did the button up, simple as that. There was NO resistance. MY JEANS FIT! And with that I hopped in the car, drove Josh to the city and felt like a queen (albeit it a rather saggy tummied chubby one) walking around Sobey’s at Tantallon, picking up more healthy food for my cupboards.

And so I took some photos with my webcam and put them together with the ones I took back in January.

I may have a long way to go, BUT this afternoon I have simply shed a few tears, as for the first time in 20 years, I have worn jeans. I don’t know why that would have made me cry but it has.

Maybe I can do this….. just maybe!!!!!!!!!!

C xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

13 thoughts on “I last wore jeans 20 years ago…

  1. That is AWESOME!!!!!!! I’m having a really hard time right now and seeing your accomplishments is really helping me to stay on track and mentally keep going. I’m so glad you felt so wonderful! Stuff like this makes all the hard work totally worth while!

    • My lower tum is just awful BUT this is a huge achievement for me… at least I now fit into jeans and have actually wore them!!! I never thought I’d be able to do this ever again..

      Thanks Marina!!!

      C xxxxx

  2. Woah! That’s amazing and you look great in those jeans! Like Marina I’m in a slump as well and seeing you get visual confirmation of your achievements is a great motivator. I felt like cheering around in my office! Keep up the good work!

  3. Thanks Patricia and Tempewytch!!! 2/3rd of the way to my 100 lb off in a year goal. Got to really work hard to fulfill the goal now… October 1st will come around quick. But I love a challenge 🙂

    C xxxxxx

  4. Quite proud, my dear friend! Kudos! You keep inspiring me over and over again. Keep up the fantastic work!

  5. Look at you! It’s not just your mid-section…..look at your arms and hands! What a great incentive for you to keep on going! YOU CAN DO IT…….and because you can do it, so can I! Thanks for the inspiration!

    • Thanks Carol, you are kind! My lower tummy looks bad in jeans but hey I’m happy I can get into and wear a pair of jeans at last. The lower bulges will hopefully diminish more as I head towards 199 lbs 🙂 C xxxx

  6. Yay! I had that happen to me (fitting into a pair of jeans that I fully expected not to) right before I got pregnant for my first child! (I am within three pounds of that weight, but apparently shape changes a lot with pregnancies, because they don’t fit.)
    I’m so excited for you! It is really motivational to watch your progress and “hear” your thoughts through this! I need to lose about 100 lbs, too, and i’m finding it a lot harder than I did before kids. (I lost about 40 pounds before I had children- I didn’t gain all of it back (none with the first child), but I’m still struggling to get a 1 as the first number on the scale and have only lost 20 pounds since January, and I’ve never in my teenage or adult life weighed what the charts say I should, even using the high end weight.)

    Congrats again!! <3

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