Death to PLATEAU- Day 4

I spent well over 4 hours in the garden yesterday clearing up debris, digging, moving things about with my wheelbarrow and generally being very busy… It was good to be so physically active and also find out that I had many useful combatant weapons,  such as a chainsaw, in my barn,  should the “Zombie Apocalypse” ever find it’s way to rural Nova Scotia…

Unfortunately today I feel like I have been run over by Hannibal’s War Elephants. I guess this means I was using muscles I hadn’t used for a very long time, or, I was indeed fighting the living dead in my sleep…

I think the latter highly unlikely. Twenty-five years ago, I may have been a Self Loading Rifle markswoman, (a useful skill in Zombie annihilation) but today, I’d be more likely to sit the Zombie down, hold his hand and ask if there was anything troubling him and tell him to take deep breaths and visualize a meatless alternative…

So here’s todays food..

Breakfast (600 cals)

Wholewheat pancakes with golden syrup
Sunflower & flax seeds

Lunch (500 cals)

Marmite on toast (with margarine)
Handful of dates

Dinner (1000 cals)

Two substantial vegetable pasties (recipe coming later)
Side salad


Black tea
1 cup of almond milk ( 50 cals)

Exercise (300 cals)

 1 hour house cleaning including a little yard work

Food:        2150 cals

Exercise: – 300 cals

2 thoughts on “Death to PLATEAU- Day 4

  1. Have you happened to notice how small you look holding that chainsaw? I certainly have … small and glowing with good health. Yay for you!

    • LOL!!! Did you notice how I hid my fat tummy behind the chainsaw??

      Thanks Lisa for the compliments xxxxxxx

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