The most minutes, win it!

Sweet potato, raw spinach and black beans for lunch today

It’s my lunch break here at work and I’m eating and I’m blogging. Women are the greatest multi-taskers don’t you find?

One of the things that struck me quite quickly when I started on this ration diet was that it takes a lot of time cooking from scratch but I’ve had 5 months this time around to get to grips with this challenge. Every morning (apart from weekends) I have a bowl of organic oats cooked in water with a piece of fruit. For lunch I have a big bowl of raw salad such as spinach and snow peas, maybe a tomato, some high protein beans like haricots and always a potato. In the evening I’ll often experiment with 1940s recipes from my books, and when I do, make extra portions, so I can either freeze them or enjoy a meal, later on in the week.

I feel SO GOOD eating this way and every day I can’t wait to eat my breakfast or my lunch!

In our kitchen at work today- our latest wellness initiative

Today at Lighthouse Media Group (where I work), a chart has appeared in the lunch room for our latest wellness initiative “the most minutes win it”. Every day for the next 30 days, participants have to record their daily exercise minutes on a chart and whoever has the most exercise minutes at the end of the month wins a prize. I am thinking a nice cruise to the Greek islands would be a jolly nice prize 😛

I think this is a GREAT idea! For those that are a little competitive or who simply need motivation to take daily exercise, it will undoubtedly help!

I’m off to a bad start as I didn’t walk yesterday but that little hidden, competitive gene, doesn’t like that, so I’ll be hitting the track later and will probably put on some music and enjoy dancing with my girls this evening.

And all this extra exercise means extra pounds off at the next weigh in

Well that’s my theory and I’m sticking to it!

C xxxxx

3 thoughts on “The most minutes, win it!

  1. Enjoying your blog! And best wishes for success with your weight loss plan! Love your experiment! If you have any interest, I welcome you to visit my blog at to see lots of 40s recipes from my mother. She was fortunate to have received some food on occasion from her parents’ farm when she was unable to get it where she lived. Can you imagine mailing eggs?

    • How utterly awesome! So the recipes contained are all typical wartime recipes in the USA? I ask because I am currently working on replicating authentic wartime recipes from USA, Canada and Australia and am doing the research into these. Fantastic blog full of social history of the time- I will take a good look this evening when I return from work xxxx

      PS Mailing eggs!!! Goodness me! C xxxx

      • Hi Carolyn. I have the collection of letters as well as the recipe collection. When a recipe is referenced in a letter, I include it in the blog. My mom always seemed to prefer the tried and true from her early days of learning to cook. I have have her cookbook (New Hood, 1939) which is a great resource.

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