Apple Crumble


Monday was thanksgiving and I prepared a simple and modest slap up meal (that’s a contradiction in terms if ever I heard one!)

No slap up meal is complete without the obligatory pudding/dessert and this is essential in creating that bloated  ‘I-NEED-THE-COUCH-RIGHT-NOW-BEFORE-I-POP’ feeling that all good celebration meals should create..

I WAS going to make an apple pie but decided on the crumble at the last moment to save time..

Apple Crumble

  • 8 apples (2 per person)
  • 4 dessert spoons brown sugar
  • cinnamon
  • 2 oz margarine/butter
  • 4 oz wholewheat flour
  • 4 dessert spoons of white sugar
  • weeny pinch of salt


Peel and chop apples into thin slices

Place in saucepan, sprinkle a little water over, brown sugar and cinnamon

Simmer gently for 5 minutes

Drain a little and place in greased cooking dish

Mix together flour, salt and white sugar

Add in the margarine/butter in small pieces and rub together with fingertips until a breadcrumb look is achieved

Sprinkle over the softened apples

Place in over at 220 c for about 30 minutes

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15 thoughts on “Apple Crumble

  1. Is this actually from the nineteen fourties? Are any of these dishes? I need them for a project at school and i need to make sure they r from the 1940’s or ima fail 🙂

  2. Hi Jamie

    YES- most of my dishes are straight from books like Marguerite Pattens or from folk or children of folk who lived through the war. A few are from my own invention based on my rationing allowance and almost certainly would have been something some 1940s housewives would have put together..

    Most of my recipes are from the Uk however many of the recipes were very similar in the Uk and in Canada and the USA.

    I suggest you list the recipes you think you would like to use and I can clarify where I have got thme from..

    Good luck in your project- please let me know how you get on!!

    C xx

  3. Pingback: Apple crumble « Rationing Revisited

    • Yes absolutely- all my recipes are recreated from either Ministry of Food recipes, old 1940s cook book recipes no longer in publication or recipes sent to me from people who inherited recipes from parents/grandparents from during the war years

      I’ve changed the word fat to margarine/butter to avoid confusion… sorry old habits die hard although I still think this term is used still in many recipes

      C xxxx

  4. I just came across your blog and I love the 40’s, 50’s. I am going to make this recipe tonight as my husband loves apple crumble/crisp.

  5. Pingback: Cooking with World War II Rations - What I Learned - George C. Marshall Foundation

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